That is difficult to determine, first, we have to know what is meant by "failure". To us, the fact that a young person becomes a productive member of society, whose situation improves, does not mean that they won't have other problems at some point. So we have to specify what is meant by "failure" and "success". That is the first question.
Second, as the gentleman said, the situation is very difficult in the case of some young people. I would say that about 10% of the young people we work hard with still end up continuing down their criminal path and moving into the criminal network. I believe these young people are already being treated as harshly as possible.
I am going to give you an example. In the case of the victim whose name was given to this bill, the young offender is in custody in an adult prison at this moment. It is impossible to do more than that to protect society. It is being done within the existing legal framework. When it comes to young people whose cases are very serious, we already have everything we need to protect society.
I share the gentleman's point of view on the fact that a percentage of young people—and we could talk about the numbers for a long time—are much less amenable to our intervention. The fact is that there are already tools for dealing with those young people.