I think the proposed modification to the bail law has value as it's written. I think of it like this. The crown prosecutor has a set of tools that he can use to try to get bail denied for an accused, and the Criminal Code lays them out. This gives him one more tool, one more screwdriver that might fit. In some cases, I can envision this being of value.
Another way to look at it is this. If this had been the law in Newfoundland in 2001 and up, would Zachary still be alive? I don't think so. My impression, from the legal arguments...well, there was no legal argument in the first bail hearing in December 2001. But Judge Welsh's legal decision, written on January 10, 2003, stressed that Dr. Turner was to be presumed innocent and therefore the crime she was accused of was not relevant to bail, and that she had obeyed the court order to come back many times, so she was not a flight risk. If, at that time, Mr. Madden, the crown prosecutor, had stood up and argued that she had a minor child in her custody and that child might be in danger, the judge would have simply said, “Show me a threat. When did she threaten the baby?” She never threatened the baby. To our knowledge, she never said a word about threatening the baby, or anyone. She was too smart, too careful.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to undermine what Mr. Andrews has proposed here. I simply mean to push the logic of this as far as I can see it going. I don't see any way a manipulative murderer can be kept in jail or in other custody unless it's a blanket rule, because some of them are just too smart.
Shirley Turner had us convinced, mostly convinced, that she was getting ready to go back to Pennsylvania and face trial. She never gave us a hint that she was going to turn wacko and do this. She was consulting a psychiatrist. That psychiatrist declared, after the murder-suicide, that he saw no indication of danger to herself or others.
So my point is, number three, repeat killings are unpredictable. Shirley Turner's a great example of it.
Gary Weddell is an even better example. The court ordered him to undergo psychiatric evaluation. The psychiatrist came back and said he was not a threat to himself or others, and he went right out and killed himself and another.