I'm not sure I'm the one who should try to answer that. Mr. Andrews has proposed a bill that addresses the protection of children, but I propose to protect the entire population of innocent people. Shirley Turner could have just as easily killed Kate, me, or anyone else who angered her. So perhaps I'm the wrong person to ask that question of, because I would expand it to include everybody. But if you're going to stick to children, unborn children should be covered by this too.
In fact, way back at the beginning of this we made contact with the district attorney in Pennsylvania and asked, “If the extradition happens quickly and she's pregnant, what will happen?” He said that women deliver babies in jail all the time. It doesn't happen every day, but it's not rare, and there is perfectly good delivery care in jail. So if you're pointing on that line, I would include unborn children.
You said that people accused of murder now aren't released. How far back are you going? Ray Newman in Newfoundland was released on bail several weeks ago, and he's accused of murdering his wife. I'm not sure what you mean.