Let me explain, so that things are clear.
As a criminal lawyer, I have defended people like those whom you described in no uncertain terms a little earlier. I understand your pain and I respect it, but the law in Canada has changed. In fact, a person who has committed a murder cannot be granted bail unless he shows that he is worthy of release. So it is the accused who has to show that, under section 515 of the Criminal Code.
In murder cases in Canada, people are certainly released on bail. I could send you statistics about that. There are repeat offences, but, for murder, these are few. Those cases are unacceptable. Courts have to take appropriate steps so that there are no repeat offences. If there is the slightest doubt, a court keeps the person in custody. That part has fundamentally changed.
That is why I asked myself these questions. I have looked carefully at the amendment to the Criminal Code you are proposing. That is why we are going to vote for it. Henceforth, when children are involved, there will be questions for the accused. Now, the proposed amendment deals with minor children.
Would you go as far as to protect unborn children? That is a problem. We are going to protect minor children, but what do we do about unborn children? I do not know if you have views about that, but, if you do, I would like to hear them.