I want to echo the comments about short-changing witnesses.
The evidence was much appreciated, and I have some questions.
Ms. Mackinnon, I enjoyed your brief. You did a great deal of homework. Most politicians just turn to the first page and the last page. Under recommendations, you have 13, which is good. I wanted to ask you about a couple of them, because they've come up in our hearings before.
With respect to questions, no one seems to be able to answer this one in the affirmative. In point nine, your theme is that amendments should be based on evidence and facts. I suppose it's putting the cart before the horse, because the best evidence is from Juristat and Stats Canada. But in your opinion, and based on the evidence you have, how would you answer these questions? First, is violent youth crime in Canada, in certain communities in Canada, on the rise? Second, is there evidence that incarceration with or without proper rehabilitative treatment is effective? Third, do legislative deterrents actually have a deterrent effect on youth? This last is a theme we've dealt with a lot across the country. As you so poignantly pointed out, their brains are different. I've got three youth at home, and I know their brains are different. I don't need an MRI for that, but I'd appreciate seeing the evidence.