Okay. Thank you.
My next question is about relating the Nunn recommendation 22—which I can explain—to clause 4. I'm from Nova Scotia, and the Nunn inquiry really captured the imagination of people in Nova Scotia. With that situation, that inquiry, we had a youth who had..he had not been found guilty, but he had been on a spree. So recommendation 22 says, and I can read it to you, that when you're considering pretrial detention, you should be able to look at a pattern of findings of offences versus patterns of findings of guilt, or some kind of similar wording, to determine the appropriateness of pretrial detention.
I've asked this question of quite a few witnesses, who have said to me that the YCJA works just fine the way it is in that respect and we don't actually need that change. I'm not necessarily convinced of that. I'm wondering what your thoughts are with the balance between this very small group of persistent offenders who we need to address, versus the vast majority of offenders who get caught once or twice and don't do it again.