It only keeps it by aboriginal status, and by the way, aboriginal youth are vastly overrepresented in the youth justice system.
There are individual studies, population studies, at specific facilities and so on that certainly reveal that the rate of detention of particularly Afro-Canadian youth and some other minorities is very much evident.... There's research that clearly supports that. We don't have nationwide data. As you mentioned, there are a lot of issues, and there have been in Canada about whether we should keep data by race, how we would define race, and so on. But there have been studies of police intervention, detention, and custody, and overrepresentation of visible minority groups clearly occurs at every stage.
There's an argument about all this. Some people say it's because they're committing more crimes. Some people say it's because there's systemic bias. My belief is that there is probably some of both, and you could probably document some of both of those things going on.