Our organization itself did not attend specifically, but I do know that some social workers who are our members did. However, I have to say I'm very concerned to hear that there is actually a report that is supposedly published, and the committee here, which is tasked with defining and developing new changes to amend the legislation on the Youth Criminal Justice Act, doesn't even have a copy of that.
I think it's important to say that in the front lines, among the majority, there seems to be an understanding among health professionals that just putting youth in jail and turning the key and not providing the services in front will actually be unproductive, because in the long run, when they go back into the community after they have served their sentence, if they don't have the proper services at the front end the likelihood is they may reoffend. The mental health courts' success rate, which is 85% in the sense of youth not reoffending, I think is a superb statistic that hopefully the committee will further examine closely.
Thank you.