Mr. Chair, with all due respect, we are probably going to vote on this motion in a minute. I think the motion will be rejected and I hope it will be rejected quickly. We have witnesses who are waiting and waiting and whom we did not warn that there would be a motion, unlike what we did last time. We informed people at the beginning of the meeting that we would be making a motion to revisit decisions, and we did not even adopt the motion, Mr. Chair. This committee has never agreed to the possibility of sitting for two and a half hours in the evening. That was the first point.
What is even more distressing is to hear members of this government tell us they have the will, they are nice, they are intelligent, and they are ready. And yet, gentlemen, you know it was your government that prorogued the session and made us start six weeks late. Imagine where we would be on this bill if we had started in January. You know very well that the bill would have been passed. That was the second point.
On the third point, I invite you to listen again to what I said in the House concerning this bill. You don't often listen to what we say. If you did listen, you would know that I said it was an extremely important bill, that it deserved our full attention, and that we were going to take the time to study it carefully. Unlike some of you, I have already sent the list of witnesses I want to recall before the committee. There are far too many. I can assure you that none of those witnesses comes from my riding or from around my riding. Now stop going on about this. We have work to do and we have to do it right. It will take the time it takes.
Mr. Chair, with all due respect, I think we should vote on this motion immediately so we can hear our witnesses, at last.