Thank you very much, everybody.
For the record, this is meeting 26, and today is Thursday, September 30, 2010.
I want to thank you for electing me to this position again. I just want to let you know that I don't take this for granted. It is an honour to chair this committee.
I think for the most part our committee has been a collaborative one. I think we've achieved a lot of good work. I am especially looking forward to moving ahead and completing our organized crime study.
I also want to welcome two new members to our committee, and of course Mr. Savage as well, who I think is here temporarily.
Ms. Jennings and Mr. Lee, I know that you're going to enjoy this committee.
I'll just leave you with one thought--namely, that here at this table we debate issues and ideas, we don't debate personalities. I'm going to do my very best to be even-handed and fair-minded, and to treat everyone respectfully. I certainly expect all of you to do the same as we move forward.
Now, there are no items on the public agenda. We do have the organized crime report, on which we still need to provide further instructions. I think you've had the summer to review that.
The other thing is future business. Given the fact that Mr. Murphy is not here today, it's certainly the wish of the Liberals at the committee that we defer consideration of future business and the organized crime report until our next meeting.
Yes, Mr. Lee.