Yes, I am. We have five minutes, so two and a half for me and two and a half for him.
Thank you, Minister.
As my colleague Brian Murphy stated, Liberals do support this bill. We support the aims of this bill.
We do have a couple of concerns. One is concerning the agency to which any person would report if they suspected or had reasonable belief. Have you determined yet which agency that will be? Will it be, as it is in Manitoba, and if that is the case, is any funding going to be flowing from the federal government to to handle the work?
Second, and very briefly, on the issue of the kind of information the ISP or other person providing Internet services must report to the police, subclause 2(1) of the bill talks about computer data, and it's quite broadly defined, whereas in the United States it is very specific. I'm wondering exactly what information is to be reported, and if it is identical or if you are expecting it to be similar to what's required in the United States, why has that not been specified in the bill?