Exactly. So if one were going to consider amending it, one might replace the phrase “this act” with the phrase “section 3 of this act”, but I will leave that to wiser minds than mine.
I also have one or two technical questions regarding clause 4. The Criminal Code, the last I checked, and I regret I didn't bring it with me, frequently refers simply to peace officers, and I notice that you're using an entirely different phrase in clause 4 to talk about “officer, constable or other person employed for the preservation and maintenance of the public peace”. I wondered if there was some reason why you were adopting that particular phraseology rather than what I think is still the simpler practice, which is found in the Criminal Code.
I also have a second question about that, and it is whether the phrase “reasonable grounds” in clause 4 in your view is equivalent to reasonable and probable grounds or just articulable cause.
So there are two questions, if I may. I don't care who answers them.