I'm mindful of the reminder you gave to all members of the committee at our last clause-by-clause consideration of Bill C-22, I believe it was, at which the majority members on the committee defeated the short title because the amendment amending the short title was deemed inadmissible.
I do have a concern about this short title. I do not believe the English version of the short title accurately and appropriately expresses the French version of the short title.
In French, the short title is Loi visant à contrer le vol d’automobiles et le crime contre les biens. But,
in English, the short title says this act may be cited as the Tackling Auto Theft and Property Crime Act. I do not believe that in any way accurately translates or represents this bill, whereas the French short title does.
So I'm asking if the government is at all open to perhaps modifying the English clause so that it more accurately represents the French short title, which in fact does represent accurately the bill itself, whereas I do not believe the English short title does.
Is there any openness to try to find an English short title that more accurately represents the actual body of the bill, the objective of the bill, in the way that the French title does? Because the French title does it very well.