I believe there's the possibility of that taking place. I've been working with LifeLine, going back into prisons, and I'm in my 13th year of going back inside. Many of the men I work with hold that faint hope clause as something to work towards. Most of the men and women, when they get to that 15-year point where they can first make their application, say, “I really don't want to go through this. I don't want to put the victims through this. I don't want to put my own family through this. I think I can continue. I've already got 15 years in, and I can see a little light at the end of the tunnel now.” So most of them don't apply.
But if you remove that hope and you remove that glimmer of a goal to work towards--the 15 years--there's nothing. You're going to be sitting in a maximum security prison saying, “I'm going to be here for a minimum of 25 years and probably a lot longer.” What do they have to look forward to?
I've heard people say we have to protect the public. Well, the staff, the volunteers, the visitors, the nursing staff--all those people are the public who are working inside the system, so you are putting those people at risk.