Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'll actually try to keep my comments under the 10 minutes.
Good afternoon, Mr. Chair and committee members. Thank you for providing me the opportunity to come before you today to discuss Bill S-6, which will eliminate the faint hope clause.
As you may recall, I appeared before you one year ago to discuss Bill C-36, which sought to achieve the same objective, and that is to eliminate early judicial review for those convicted of the most serious offences. Today I will cover two key areas in my introductory remarks, and of course I will then be happy to answer any questions you may have for me.
First I'd like to provide you with some key statistics related to our population of offenders serving life sentences who would be affected by this proposed legislation. Then I would like to provide you with a quick overview of Correctional Service of Canada's processes for supporting the courts when an offender decides to seek judicial review.
With respect to numbers, as of October 10, 2010, there were 1,508 offenders with cases applicable for judicial review. That is, they were eligible to apply to have their parole eligibility date modified. Historically, since the first judicial review hearing in 1987, there have been a total of 181 court decisions. Of these cases, 146 of the court decisions resulted in a reduction of the period that must be served before parole eligibility, and 35 resulted in a refusal.
Of the 146 offenders who have had their parole eligibility dates moved earlier, 144 have now reached their revised day parole eligibility date and 135 have been granted parole. Of these 135 offenders, 68, or about half, had no issue during supervision; 35 received a suspension but were not subsequently revoked; and 23 had their parole revoked. Seven of the 135 reoffended in a non-violent manner and two reoffended violently. Of the two offenders who reoffended violently, one was found guilty of two counts of assault with a weapon and one count of assault use of force, and the other offender was found guilty of one count of robbery.
While we're on the topic of numbers, I should also note that the proposed changes to the International Transfer of Offenders Act would have a minor effect with respect to judicial review. Of the more than 1,500 offenders who have been transferred back to Canada since the legislation came into force in 1978, only 28 were individuals serving life sentences. Of these, only nine are serving sentences for first-degree murder. Of the 300 active cases that we are currently reviewing for potential transfer back to Canada, only seven offenders would potentially have first-degree murder sentences. And I say “potentially” because international legal parallels are complicated, and each case has to be reviewed by legal experts to ascertain the appropriate equivalent sentence in Canada. All this being said, we would expect a negligible impact in Canada, as other jurisdictions as a general rule are extremely reticent to allow international transfers for what we could consider first-degree murder.
With respect to how Correctional Service Canada supports the judicial review process, this is governed by “Commissioner's Directive 710-5: Judicial Review”. Twelve months before the offender's judicial review eligibility date, an institutional parole officer, or primary worker in the case of women offenders, would meet with the offender to determine whether he or she intends to submit an application. In addition, our staff would advise the offender at that time of their responsibility to engage legal counsel.
Our staff also works with the offender to facilitate a transfer to the jurisdiction where the hearing will be held if the offender requests the move. Alternatively, participation at judicial review can also be accomplished through escorted temporary absences. In addition, staff would advise him or her to request access to their file through access to information, so this can be shared with their legal counsel. Furthermore, the parole officer or primary worker ensures that a psychiatric and/or psychological assessment is completed in the 12 months leading up to the application, as well as a judicial review report.
The judicial review report follows the form we use for determining parole eligibility. It covers six areas: the offender's social, family, and criminal background; his or her sentence administration dates; summary of transfers and any disciplinary actions; summary of the offender's performance and conduct; any assessments done by psychiatrists, psychologists, or elders; and, finally, the offender's personal development.
As you can see, CSC provides an invaluable contribution to the process that determines whether an offender is a suitable candidate for parole, whether that be through judicial review, as is the subject of this proposed legislation, or normal avenues for release.
As always, public safety is our paramount consideration. The offenders in our care all come from communities across this country and most will return there. It is the job of the Correctional Service of Canada to manage their sentence from the day they enter our facility, through their incarceration, and out into the community. We do so with a constant eye to achieving good correctional results for Canada and Canadians.
Mr. Chair, committee members, I thank you for your time, and I look forward to answering any questions you may have.