I understand your sympathy for the victims, and be assured that I share it.
However, I have nevertheless observed that there are truly very few prisoners serving a life sentence for murder who seek to use these provisions.
Certain dangers have been outlined to us, and you have repeated them. In particular, victims believe that, every two years, they can be called upon to appear to challenge an application for early parole. We have learned, based on the statistics, that there has never been a case of an individual applying every two years, as many times, etc. It was also explained to us — others did this before you — that the preparation of a file with a view to benefitting from the provision is very lengthy. Furthermore, the jury that hears the first application is free to determine that the next application will only be able to be made later than two years down the road. And, in the end, we would be amending the act to resolve a situation that has never arisen.