Okay, let's go back to BillS-6. We are actually dealing with two items. We have Bill S-6 and we also have a review of an order-in-council appointment under Standing Orders 110 and 111.
We'll begin with the review of the OIC appointment. We're considering the order-in-council appointment of Susan O'Sullivan to the position of federal ombudsman for victims of crime. During the second hour, as requested, Ms. O'Sullivan will make herself available to answer questions on Bill S-6. We'll also have with us Mr. Howard Sapers, the correctional investigator, and his executive director and general counsel, Ivan Zinger.
This is what I'm proposing to do. Typically we allocate one hour for the order-in-council review. If we don't need all that time, I'll take the balance of the time for our meeting and split it in two. Half of that would go to Ms. O'Sullivan, and half to Mr. Sapers. Is that acceptable to the committee members?
All right, we'll proceed on that basis.
We have Ms. O'Sullivan with us.
I think you know the drill. You have ten minutes to present, and then we'll open the floor to questions.
The floor is yours.