Absolutely. For the most part, so do the drugs. It's quite simple, especially when you consider that it's the young people within the neighbourhoods who are responsible for disseminating the stuff out there, whether it be drugs or guns. Police quite frequently make rightful arrests within my neighbourhood and community for drugs and guns. I think those are the two main things that young people are arrested for.
I think there needs to be a greater emphasis placed on intelligence gathering when the police officers do make these arrests. It would be helpful if we could return to some level of community policing, where the police officers within our community--who for the most part are excellent, who are young people themselves and are people you would want to hang out with and talk to, and they have a fairly good sense of humour and can be pretty funny people--would be able to come into the community, especially in the summer months, and form relationships with the young people and members of that community, but specifically the young people.
Again, there is desperation in these neighbourhoods. There is a perception there that money can be made through drugs and guns.