Yes, there could also be device manufacturers.
That's not necessarily something we oppose. If there's information that's disappearing into the ether and there's a legitimate interest in that information, there may be a valid purpose for building that type of capacity into the infrastructure. It could hold that information, at least as long as required, to conduct legitimate law enforcement investigation.
There are provisions in the previous Bill C-47, I believe, that would require companies to have that capacity. In Bill C-46 I believe there was legislation that would create a preservation order power that would allow that information to be preserved until law enforcement could go to a judge and determine whether or not they should appropriately have access to it.
We don't have a problem with the preservation aspect, as long as it's for a short period of time. After that it will be destroyed once the decision has been made whether or not there needs to be access by law enforcement. If there does and there's an appropriate test met to meet that standard, then that's fine. If it doesn't, then the information can be destroyed as it otherwise would have been. It doesn't need to be retained for six or seven years.