Thank you. I suggest that you put your earphones on.
I am not going to speak to you as a lawyer, because I think there are enough of them around the table. I am going to speak to you as an MP who has worked with organizations in my riding for years, for 16 years now.
In particular, I work with the neighbourhood police. I live outside the urban areas, and in my opinion this police service does an extraordinary job. They manage to get close to young people and they even know them by their first names and trust them. That trust becomes mutual. The neighbourhood police are then able to do preventive work with the young people.
In my opinion, we cannot neglect prevention. We absolutely have to work on prevention with young people, otherwise we won't succeed. When young people get older and join street gangs or criminal groups, it is often because they are left to their own devices, they no longer have families and they admire the people who make a lot of money and commit crimes. These young people are not necessarily responsible. Of course I am not talking about the older ones and repeat offenders.
I would like to ask you a few questions. Are there organizations in Toronto that do prevention and that work with that objective? There are in Quebec. Do you hear much about home invasions here? Where I live, that crime is fairly widespread and there is a lot of talk about it. Seniors are wary of young people and think they too are a criminal group, a group organized against seniors.
How does it work, exactly? What more could be done? Do you think that Bill C-4 is a solution? If not, can something else be done to help our community move forward in this regard?
I will give you the floor. Mr. Henry, I'll let you speak first.