Can I say, Mr. Comartin, that this is a difficult area because we're into labelling. One group gets together in a community to reflect cultural differences, as opposed to another group, having no father figure, who get together to have a sense of identity. Oftentimes at bail hearings for some of these young people, there's never a man who comes forward as a surety; it's the mother.
Some groups gather together out of a sense of identity, and it makes me think of West Side Story, but sometimes it's guns instead of knives. That's a different group, and the reasons for their involvement in that group may be actually addressed by what Mr. Henry is doing. We can't put an organized crime label on it and say, this is how we fix it.
There might be a group within a community who is a little more organized, with more sophisticated colours, and into more of a business operation--ownership, controlling the distribution of drugs, etc. That's a different phenomenon, but if it's in the community, we have to address it differently.
Thirdly, it's the classic that we talked about.
You say, they walk like a duck, they sound like a duck, they must be ducks, but they may not be. I think that organized crime, in terms of identification theft right now that's starting internationally, is a very different breed of cat than the group of six or seven kids in a community who maybe come from another country and culturally gather. They might gather because there is no place to go, or there's no hope, or there are no services. So when we are trying to decide how to combat organized crime, one solution doesn't fit all. That's one of the reasons why a list will be revisited. Somebody's going to say, we were wrong to have this list; we just didn't have all the data.
It's easy to say that the group is organized and they look like they're organized. Maybe some are just trying to look like they're organized, you know? That's the problem we're all facing, I think.