Thank you, Mr. Chair.
We certainly all feel for the victims and the families, and we also respect the good work you do, Mr. McIsaac.
In my short three minutes, I'll tell you where I'm coming from on this. In Moncton in the 1970s there was a double cop killing of two great officers, Bourgeois and O'Leary, by two murderers. These were people we knew in the community.
Charlie Bourgeois went on to become an NHL hockey player after that adversity. Carroll Ann O'Leary went on to run hospital services. They picked up and they went on.
These two murderers have been eligible for parole. Their death sentences, in fact, were commuted to life. In that case, I'm pretty sure, had this law been in place, the trial judge might have granted 50 years without.... It was such a shocking case.
There is no doubt, Mr. McIsaac, that these were bad apples. There are bad apples. You're working with the good apples, and that's great.
In this case, I think we need to save this bill, because the judge is going to be given a choice--I gave you the facts--of between 25 and 50 years. We heard good, seasoned lawyers say that given that choice, judges are going to tend towards the lesser, because they don't want to go overboard. We have to find a way, in my opinion, to go between 25 and 50. We might see victims angry that, given the choice of between 25 and 50, a judge didn't give 35 or 40.
I wonder if you think there is a way of amending this--and I'm working on this--and if you think it would be a good thing, because in some circumstances, it might be appropriate. It is true judicial discretion to have that choice in the case of first-degree murder.
Do you agree with that type of amendment? That is to the panel, briefly, because there are only three minutes.