If that's meant to be sarcastic and rhetorical, I appreciate that's the world I think in, and that's fine, but yes, we do think it's important to this committee. Mr. Del Mastro stood in the House today and said he'd give all the material on Bill C-32 to the committee studying it. We're studying an important bill that you want passed; we want to know the answers to all these questions.
I won't ask for the answers to these questions. I'll ask if you see any trouble in answering questions one, two, and three. Those are basically the nuts and bolts of it: who attended? When did these meetings occur? Could you provide us with the materials they saw? It's a very opportune time. If the department can amass all that stuff, we can all spend the Christmas break reading it and come back better informed to pass the bill that you want so diligently passed, but which you've been sitting on the round table results from for Conservatively two years, Liberally two and half years--NDP, I don't know.