Minister, for the short title of this Act, you chose the name Sébastien.
Young Sébastien Lacasse, a resident of my riding, was very viciously attacked by several youths, only one of whom was under the age of 18, but he was the one who struck the fatal blows that killed young Sébastien. That young man appeared in Youth Court, but he was sentenced as an adult.
Clause 18 of your bill amends section 72 of the Act so that judges may not impose an adult sentence unless there is no reasonable doubt. So you are taking a case that shows that the law works, since the young person was sentenced as an adult. However, a number of people to whom I have spoken who are very familiar with the case in question have told me that under the proposed bill it would be more difficult, if not impossible, for the judge to impose an adult sentence.
What is the idea behind amending a law that is working well and naming it after Sébastien?