Yes. Clearly, the more information that's out there on these issues.... And we hear about this every week. In fact, in January of this past year, 32 men were charged in Ontario; months later, 28 were charged. The police are doing a phenomenal job across the country. So it's surfacing every day, almost, in Canada.
I've had so many people ask me what the government, not meaning the Conservatives, but what those guys down there are doing to stop this kind of thing, because look at the explosion; it's everywhere. As somebody mentioned, there are lawyers...there's the whole gamut; it's not exclusive to any segment of society. And it undermines what people think about government and certainly about justice, when they see that there's not a whole lot happening and yet we have this thing going on.
I got a little case just in January, two weeks ago. We have a man who was charged in Cambodia. He faces 13 years in jail, if he goes to Cambodia. He's in Canada. He has no restrictions on him at all while he's in Canada; the judge removed every restriction. So he is out here, avoiding going to Cambodia, because he knows he will go to jail. Here he has no sentence. There's no monitoring; there's nothing. Here he lives with his freedom, and he has abused we don't know how many children in Asia.