Perhaps I can answer.
First, I apologize for not having our document for you in French. I was out of the country when I got the call to appear and just got in late Saturday morning. So I presented it, and I apologize for not having it available today.
Right now the Criminal Code talks about child pornography as being under the age of 18. I'm sure the detective will have a comment about this. We've talked to a number of police forces that simply say that trying to handle all the cases of those under the age of 18 is problematic because there are too many. Sometimes you can't tell if someone is 16 years old. Are they 18, 19, or 16? But certainly prepubescent children are recognizable to investigators. I think our country and other countries will benefit if we at least make sure we are protecting any prepubescent child. Of course that might eliminate some of the older children we wouldn't protect, so I'm torn about that. But if there is a question legally about whether they are of age, of course that puts the courts in a tough spot.