May I respond?
I would suggest, although I don't have the facts, that the over 100 children who were rescued in Ontario were rescued from their homes. That's where the production would have occurred. They were sexually assaulted by people who were not strangers, who were uncles, babysitters--predominantly males, but there have been some female offenders of late. So this offence, this hurt, occurred in the home. This would be the home that the person on a conditional sentence may return to or may not return to as one of their conditions, and that has already caused chaos.
One of the things you do with a sentence is you remove the offender from the victim's home, where the offender and the victim were together. I think, if nothing else, for a sexual offence that's a minimum we can expect.
I don't know.... I'm sorry, I would not share the opinion on where there is some small offence and some large offence, and the reason I don't share that opinion is that my research indicates that viewing child pornography or any pornography is addictive. It's daytime, nighttime. It's so incredibly addictive that offenders are into it very quickly. Then they're spending most of their nights on the Internet and that sort of thing. So really, if there is a process of getting them early so that you can cut that addictive behaviour or redirect it, I would say that would be a positive outcome.
But I believe removing the offender from the victim's home is absolutely crucial.