To Inspector Naylor, like Mr. Murphy, I think it was about six years ago that the justice committee worked on legislation. I think there were representatives both from the RCMP and the OPP. The vast majority of this material and the victims of this material—that is, not the way it's used, but the children who are abused in the material—tend to be from outside the country. In fact, I think the RCMP officer said at that time that in the previous year they had only one case they were able to identify in Canada where the material had been produced in Canada. Since then—and I think part of it is because of that legislation we passed, and quite frankly the kind of work that you're doing, the OPP, and other police forces are doing to be more active in this area—there's been on average, in my assessment, four or five cases a year now that I'm seeing.
I've recited those facts. I'm just wondering if you can give me a sense: am I accurate on that? Our sense was that about 50% of it was coming from the United States, was being produced in the United States, and somewhere around 35% to 40% of it was being produced mostly in the old Iron Curtain countries--central and eastern Europe—all the way into Asia, with the Russian mafia playing a fairly significant role. Those seem to be the numbers, with a small smattering here in Canada, and then miscellaneous around the world. Is that basically still the situation?