I have one specific and one general question.
The specific one is this. We had evidence from witnesses the other day, and I was struck by a comment but didn't know how to process it, that in Florida there's a 25-year minimum sentence for a child molestation conviction. The minister said you know everything, Ms. Morency; I wonder whether you could comment on the world view of the severity of offences in this realm.
My second question is more general. The minister didn't bite on Mr. Rushfeldt's comments and my question regarding changing the definition, but if you look at the code, and we all say the code needs a good look-at now and then, between sections 150 and 182—these are the sections on “Sexual Offences, Public Morals and Disorderly Conduct”—the way I'd read it, in terms of condemnation, is in descending order of severity or annoyance to the public.
It's interesting that when I say “sexual offences”—and this bill is actually titled in part “sexual offences against children”—you would expect it to be under that first term of the code section, but it's actually under the public morals section.
For instance, if we all think about the realm of offences, between section 150 and section 162 you have “Sexual Interference”, “Invitation to Sexual Touching”, “Sexual Exploitation”, “Incest”, “Bestiality”, “Voyeurism”, and then we're on to section 163, which is “Offences Tending to Corrupt Public Morals”, which starts with obscene materials—comic books and all that sort of thing—and then goes on to child pornography.
I think my answer is that this has evolved, and that child pornography wasn't as condemned by the community when the code was written and amended as it is now. It strikes me that if there's any order to the code—not for today, perhaps—in ordering the severity of offences and putting them in the right section.... There are some people who want to move offences against animals, as sentient beings, from the property section to other sections of the code.
So in the modern Criminal Code that we may get some day, should these sections—pornography, and especially this part of the child pornography section—be moved higher up in our order of condemned offences?