In fact it's even more fundamental. The offence that's proposed in clause 13 of Bill C-54--it may occur through the Internet, but it does not have to. The intention here is to....
First of all, you'll see that the definition of sexually explicit material excludes child pornography. So we're not talking about someone providing child pornography to a young person. What this offence addresses is any person who takes sexually explicit material and provides it to a young person for the specific purpose of facilitating their commission of a sexual offence against that child.
How can that happen? It could happen, as you mentioned, that an offender is on the Internet and sends such an image to a young person. It could easily, and very often, happen in an in-person direct contact situation--the old-fashioned way, right? We know from research, and forensic psychiatrists who've appeared before this committee before have said, that child sex offenders often use these materials to lower the inhibitions of young people, to show them that this conduct occurs, that other kids may be doing it, or in this case other adults are doing it, to normalize it, to make it easier for them to then sexually assault the child.
So the proposed new offence in clause 13 addresses that conduct, whether it happens in person or through the Internet or other means.