Going back to your initial part, this gives discretion with the judges, and it's perfectly in line with our role as parliamentarians. On every bill that I've been associated with over the last 25 years, we've had maximum sentences.
Monsieur Lemay, I remember one bill I was the parliamentary secretary for. I had one of my own colleagues tell me that we had a maximum of five years, and that we should let the judge decide, because maybe the judge would want to give this guy six or seven years. I say our role as parliamentarians is to give those guidelines to the judiciary with respect to maximum sentences. In this case, we're giving that guideline with respect to minimum sentences.
You could say that the mandatory penalty is one year. The judge has the discretion; he can look at that individual and decide that one year doesn't cut it and four or five years is what this guy needs. With changes that we've already passed, getting rid of the two-for-one credit means the time you get will be the time you actually serve. So we've made that change and I think we've been consistent.