I don't think you need to have a forced requirement for treatment. The system as it's presently set up works that way anyway. Essentially--for example, in the Ontario region--the fellow gets accommodation in a programs-oriented prison, which is a far nicer place to be than one of the other alternatives. That motivates him to engage in the treatment because his presence there is conditional, not only on coming to the treatment room, but also on actively and effectively participating. The Parole Board takes the same view. If you, as a sex offender, haven't effectively and successfully completed treatment, you're not going to get parole.
Between those two together, in the institution where we provide our main programs, the Bath Institution, 96.2% of all sex offenders eligible for treatment enter and participate effectively. Amongst the few who don't, some are under deportation orders and they see no value in doing it because things are going to unfold as they will anyway.
I don't think there's a problem. The present system, in my view, works remarkably well in terms of getting get sex offenders into treatment programs.