The goal of treatment is to help them meet the needs that they are attempting to meet so inappropriately and so damagingly to innocent people. It's to help them develop the skills and the capacity, the attitudes towards others and towards themselves, that allow them to meet their needs in prosocial ways. So it's not so much a matter of sort of curing their tendency to be obsessed with, let's say, molesting children; rather, it's more a matter of providing them with the capacities and strengths so that they will be able to meet their needs in prosocial ways and they therefore won't need to molest children.
What he targets of treatment for these programs are derived from is research showing that these potentially modifiable features of offenders actually predict reoffending. It's only those that have been shown to predict reoffending that we address in treatment; they're called criminogenic factors. For example, one of the biggest is relationship difficulties. If you can't meet your needs in effective relationships, then you're going to look elsewhere. For some men, that means they have multiple affairs. Others drink too much. For some, unfortunately, it means they molest children or assault women.
It's a whole range of issues that would take me some time to tell you about. That's just one of the typical things that are addressed. The only reason we address it is that it is deficiencies in those skills that have been shown to predict reoffending.