If I am not mistaken, I think we are going to have five witnesses on Monday. They are all high-calibre witnesses. Their names were mentioned in the previous testimony. For example, we have Mr. Hanson, Mr. Quinsey and their francophone counterpart—though he doesn't have a French name—Mr. Van Gijseghem. I think the people from Quebec know him. So that's three people who really are among the most qualified witnesses we will have heard from. I believe there will be two other witnesses.
I think that receiving all five of them together, giving them 10 minutes to do their presentations and allowing only seven minutes per party for questions is somewhat insulting to them. We must remember that they are traveling to come meet with us. In addition, I think that we'll get in-depth answers from people with considerable expertise. I understand we made the decision a bit quickly, but I would like us to hear from two groups of witnesses on Monday and Wednesday, and defer the vote until the next meeting. Their testimony could help to speed up the process.