If you look at alcohol, the reason organized crime is still in it is that usually, with high taxes, people want cheaper booze. I quoted at the beginning that New York cop.
If you made it legal, then the government would control the quality and the distribution. There will still be organized crime, probably selling higher-quality stuff, but there would be billions of dollars to be made by government for education on why young people and others shouldn't be using drugs. I think that is very important. I mean, it doesn't make sense to use drugs on a regular basis. We all know that, libertarian or not.
You have to educate people. I don't think education campaigns now are very effective at all. If you had more money for doing television and probably more sophisticated modern technology communication, it would work.
I think marijuana is where all the Asian crime money comes from. Look at the proliferation of grow ops. I've just been noticing, over the last 10 years, that whereas there used to be one or two, they are literally every day busting huge places. And who are the people in them? They're not the people who run the gangs; they're often disposable people who will go to jail for the people running the gangs.