In terms of how people get into organized crime gangs, which I think was your first question, there are so many different ways. It depends on the group. As Antonio will tell you, in the Mafia it's almost generational, or family. It's that old cliché you see in The Sopranos on television or in The Godfather. Many people are born into the Mafia.
When you talk about street gangs and youth gangs--you have several people coming about that--they get into it for a lot of reasons. There are economic reasons, as Margaret referred to, and social reasons. There's deprivation.
But I would argue that one of the main reasons they get into it--and Margaret implied this, too--is that there's a lot of money to be made very quickly. All your friends want steroids or ecstasy or pot or whatever, so why not make a lot of money? I know younger people who are doing this in Toronto. I know some in Montreal who do it. They don't have any moral qualms about doing it. It's—