So it's an economic approach of sorts that you're taking. We encountered that earlier today as well.
The second area of questioning I would like to get to arises from Director of Intelligence Glancy's comments about the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation, and the fact that this gang gained a foothold in the GTA in five years, with an estimated membership of 200.
Quite frankly, speaking as someone who is not familiar with organized crime and who is probably like most Canadians in that respect, I wondered if we could again talk about that as a case in point, an example, without revealing any secure information. Which force, for example, would be most able to respond to that kind of a challenge? Has there been criminal conduct that you've been able to associate with that group? If so, are there charges that have been laid and what were the results? If not, what are the reasons this gang has been able to blossom in five years?
Is the challenge mainly that of evidence gathering? I don't know if you understand what I mean, but could we use this group as a case in point?