Thank you very much to the witnesses for coming in today.
Mr. Dagenais, police officers are the first people called when a crime is committed. The first people they meet, of course, are the victims. Usually they follow the victims right through the whole criminal justice system, and many times afterwards, especially these days, when we tend to spend a little bit more time taking care of victims, although many of us feel that we need to do more.
We're dealing specifically here with the most serious of crimes, not petty crimes. We're dealing with serious assaults, serious property crimes, and sexual crimes. We often forget that the victims usually spend a lifetime in counselling, and that if they are living in homes where there have been large break and enters or home invasions, they put up bars on their windows, especially the elderly.
Could you comment on your experiences and the experiences of your membership when it comes to dealing with victims, what they've gone through, and how it has changed their lives?