If I had children and found that a young person living two blocks from me had committed a serious sexual offence—this is always about serious crimes—there would be a need to make the neighbourhood safe. Too often, people like that are released quickly, get back into society and live unnoticed. That is when they can reoffend.
Definitely in the case of serious offences—I insist once more that the offence must be serious—the offender's identity must be made known and people must be alerted. People must be protected and must protect themselves by making sure to report incidents to the police.
When I was working as a police officer in smaller communities, people very often told us that a person like that was back in their neighbourhood. People were protecting themselves. You also have to think of the victims. That is how victims go about protecting themselves.
That is why I said that it is good to make the information public. It does not have to be done in all cases, but certainly with serious offences.