Thank you very much for inviting me.
Because of time concerns, I will address only a limited number of the proposed changes.
In subsection 2(1), regarding the definition of “violent offence”, it would undoubtedly be useful for Parliament to define what's meant by a violent offence. In general, members of the public discriminate between violent and other offences in their views about how certain cases should be dealt with.
The normal definition of “violent” is covered quite adequately by proposed paragraphs 3(a) and 3(b) of the definition. Hence, proposed paragraphs 3(a) and 3(b) alone should constitute the definition of “violent”.
I would, therefore, suggest cutting proposed paragraph 3(c) of the definition:
an offence...[that] endangers the life or safety of...person by creating a substantial likelihood of causing bodily harm.
Such an addition to the definition of “violent” implies that an offence could be considered to be violent if someone were to make the argument that the behaviour involved did not, but could have, created bodily harm. Simply put, this allows far too much to be included in the definition of “violent offence”. A first-time impaired driver could be seen as violent. And indeed a youth who shoplifts a candy bar from a department store and runs out the door through a crowd could be seen as endangering those in the crowd, because there is a substantial likelihood that he would run into somebody, causing bodily harm. Besides being overly broad, youths, because they're youths, will not foresee possible consequences in the same manner as will a more thoughtful adult.
If anything can be considered by some judge to be a violent offence, then the real notion of violence is cheapened. It is important to the public, I think, that truly violent offences be named as such and that other offences that truly do not involve violence not be seen as being given similar treatment. The definition of “violent offence” is important because violence is, quite properly, one of the gateways to a custodial sentence. The distinction between intentional violence and other offences should be maintained.
Second, I'm concerned that the invitation to the judge, under the changes to the sentencing principles in proposed subparagraph 38(2)(f)(ii) to try “to deter the young person from committing offences”, could have two unfortunate effects. The change would make a false promise to the public that the judge, through harsher sentences, can accomplish individual deterrence with youths. Data would suggest otherwise. My concern is not so much that the judge will be taking responsibility for and being blamed for crime by this youth, but rather that it gives credence to the unsupportable belief among ordinary members of the public that courts could, by handing down harsher sentences, reduce the level of youth crime.
More importantly, this section could encourage judges to use custodial sentences to deter the young person from committing offences when a proportionate non-custodial sentence was a possibility. Hence, it has a high likelihood of increasing subsequent offending by the youth.
Research findings suggest that incarcerating youths will increase the likelihood of subsequent offending, especially when we're talking about those who are being incarcerated for the first time. Prison sentences are sometimes necessary, but if we are sending youths to prison for the first time, we should realize that there is convincing data to suggest that this experience increases rather than decreases the likelihood of subsequent offending.
The change that is proposed to paragraph 39(1)(c) equates extrajudicial sanctions with findings of guilt. I'm concerned about this for two reasons. In the first place, it makes, for denunciatory purposes, the impact of full court processing of a case the same as the impact of extrajudicial sanctions. Findings of guilt by judges are important events and should not be equated with extrajudicial sanctions for which a youth has not been found guilty by a court. For extrajudicial sanctions, a youth “accepts responsibility for the act or omission that forms the basis of the offence that he or she is alleged to have committed” and a prosecutor has decided that there is enough evidence to proceed with the prosecution.
If a youth is in a fight, he or she might accept responsibility for an assault, but it's quite possible that defences might exist. For a finding of guilt by a court to have the special meaning it should have, accepting responsibility for a misdeed and being found guilty of a criminal offence should not be seen by the youth, or other observers, as being the same.
Furthermore, by equating a finding of guilt to extrajudicial sanctions for this purpose, it could be that a well-informed youth would refuse extrajudicial sanctions when extrajudicial sanctions might otherwise have been appropriate for the youth, the crown, the victim, and the court. Extrajudicial sanctions are an important part of the Youth Criminal Justice Act. They shouldn't be morphed into being indistinguishable from findings of guilt.
Generally speaking, I think the changes made to section 72, the test for an adult sentence, are an improvement over what currently exists. However, there's one addition that would be useful. It's important for Parliament to provide clarity to the crown, defence, and the court on how the presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness or culpability is to be rebutted by the crown. Otherwise, until this is settled by appeals courts or by the Supreme Court of Canada, the crown will be forced to meet a test that's defined nowhere. I think the public and the crown should know what this test is so it can be met. Furthermore, I think Parliament should be doing this rather than the courts.
I understand the changes that are being suggested to the publication bans, but before you do anything on that, there's something simple and independent of these changes that needs fixing in this area. Section 75--current and proposed--makes the publication ban or lack of it part of the sentence. The problem is that if a judge hands down an adult sentence in which the ban is lifted, the sentence is appealable but the press has already published the name. Given the nature of Internet-posted information, the name is now public forever, regardless of what the result of any appeal might be. An appeal on this issue is worthless. Paragraph 110(2)(a) should be amended to include wording like “and the time for all appeals has lapsed or all appeals have been decided”.
Without challenging the purpose of the proposed replacement for section 75, I would suggest some changes. It's important to remember that the publication of names will almost certainly make reintegration of the offender as a peaceful member of society more difficult. Because the publication of the names is likely to increase the difficulty in reintegrating the youth, there should be compelling evidence that there will be some crime prevention value of the publication. In that context I make the following suggestions.
The list of cases to be subject to these changes is proposed to be very broad. As noted above, violent offence is proposed to have a very broad definition. If the definition in subclause 2(3) is not amended in the manner similar to what I've suggested, then it should apply only to violent offences meeting the criteria of paragraphs 2(3)(a) or 2(3)(b), explicitly excluding paragraph 2(3)(c). There is no point in lifting a publication ban for cases that do not cause harm or indeed an attempt or threat to cause bodily harm.
More to the point, this section is much more damaging to the possible reintegration of the youth than the limited disclosure allowed in section 127. Furthermore, it creates an important inconsistency with this section. I would suggest that you consider that the loosening of the publication ban should apply only to those offences covered by section 127; in other words, an offence involving serious personal injury. Once again, the message is clearer if the provision is restricted to those cases that have high levels of concern.
It would make sense that another pre-condition be added to the conditions that must be met to allow the publication of the name. The publication of the name should only be allowed if the disclosure already permitted in section 127 can be demonstrated not to be sufficient to reduce the risk of committing a violent offence below the level of a significant risk.
In keeping with the fact that this is part of the sentence, the test should require that the court define that the publication of the identity of the youth outweighs the benefit of the publication ban by reducing substantially the likelihood that the youth would commit an offence involving serious personal injury prior to the expiry of the sentence.
Finally, of course, since proposed subsection 75(4) indicates that it would be part of the sentence, the lifting of the publication ban should not be allowed until all appeals have been exhausted.
The Youth Criminal Justice Act is understandably complex and in need of some changes. Though it has largely accomplished many of its important goals and is recognized internationally for being an example of an effective youth legislation, it is not perfect. Clearly, however, I believe that some of the amendments that are before you could be improved.
Thank you very much.