You know, while attending court, of course I saw that the people who had these youths in their care would come to court and give a report on each youth, and I found them extremely biased to the youth and lying to the court, if I can put it that way. They would rush things; the youth could get, “Hurry up, hurry up--you only have two weeks to get one extra credit, and if you can get one extra credit, the judge will forgive this, this, and that.”
I don't think that's helpful. Do you? In the youth jails I find the social workers, or whatever you call them, very untrustworthy.
These parents who didn't care about their kids would come to court, and now once they're arrested for murder, they started attending the jail. They got cushy, cushy, cushy with the social workers and the caseworkers, so the first thing you know, the social workers or the caseworkers are at court with the parents, hugging the parents in front of the judge. I don't think this is good.