Thank you very much, Mr. Chair and members of the committee. It's my honour to be here. My objective today is to be brief.
My concerns are the same as all Canadian families: healthy, safe communities where we can grow and prosper without intimidation and fear and where we provide early identification and support for those who are predisposed to violent behaviour, and also where we can protect the most treasured of Canadian values, our birthright, our most basic human right, which is the right to life. Today's debate is not about kids who are making dumb mistakes, and any attempt to suggest that today's debate is so masks the truth. This is not about the great majority of young Canadians who find themselves before a court.
Modifications, as anticipated by Bill C-4, should not be confused with social problems or social policy. I believe these are mandatory changes to a criminal law measure that is probably the most understood legislation in the history of Canada. The debate is about the most serious violent young offenders in Canada, who represent a small minority of all those who become involved with the justice system, a small minority that has created a storm of discussion, fear, and debate, which has confused most Canadians. This debate should not be limited to the sanitized world of academics, and it must include all Canadians, especially those who have lived with violent crime by young offenders, who have witnessed the body bags, and who have lived with the aftermath and consequences of murder, community intimidation, and the life-altering effects of gang culture and violence.
This debate is about trust.
Over the last 11 years I have met with police officers, crowns, and judges who are really the quarterbacks of our judicial system. They have expressed their frustration at the limitations of the current legislation that has no provision for dealing with the worst of the worst.
This debate is about trust, by providing our judiciary the tools and latitude necessary to make the right decisions for the safety of all young Canadians while maintaining our values and principles of judicial independence.
This debate is about trust in our judiciary to provide protection for our children, while at the same time providing future opportunities for both the offender as well as the victims. My expert advisors tell me it takes a minimum of three years of intensive clinical intervention to give hope for success in the treatment and habilitation of violent young people. Longer sentences allow social engineers and psychologists the time necessary to provide the clinical intervention to assist in the successful rehabilitation and reintroduction of the violent young offender back into society, while at the same time reducing recidivism and keeping violent repeat offenders off the streets.This does not happen in the existing system where sentences for extreme violence are discounted and plea bargained away and, most importantly, where counselling is not mandatory within this system.
Currently, we're doing nothing more than babysitting, and we're not doing a very good job at that. The existing IRCS program—intensive rehabilitative custodial sentence—that provides $100,000 per year for violent young murderers is a massive waste of money and a failure, because nothing is mandatory for warrant expiry. There are numerous examples that I can tell you, which we have been personally involved with, where somebody who has graduated from the IRCS program, within two weeks of release, has murdered another child.
On the statistics debate, I ask you not to rely on the current StatsCan statistics in your decision-making process. I ask you please to take the time to read the Macdonald Laurier Institute report, an excerpt of which I have provided both in English and in French for everybody on this committee. I encourage you to read the full report and to continue this debate about the revisions before you without the distraction of misleading statistics. The question we've all been asking is whether the Youth Criminal Justice Act, in its current form, is an effective tool for reducing crime. We did have, statistically, the highest incarceration rate in the world. But in so many cases, one individual was counted four times in that statistical database.
The average length of sentence in Canada was 30 days, compared with the average length in the United States, which was measured in years. Again, that's a statistical anomaly that has been used by many proponents trying to make the YCJA or the YOA different from what it was, to justify their reasons.
The simple answer to that question is breaches, which were separate indictable offences under the Young Offenders Act. Forty-seven percent of the statistical database under the YOA were breaches: breach of recognizance, breach of bail, breach of probation. When the Youth Criminal Justice Act eliminated breaches as an indictable offence, why did the crime rate not drop by 40% to 50%? It didn't. It dropped by about 32% to 35%. That's telling me that youth crime was going up, not down.
In the last 11 years, I've travelled across Canada and I've spoken to thousands of victims, as well as victimizers, and their families. Without exception, everybody wanted change—positive change—to protect their families. In 1999, I created a petition, which you have before you in both English and French, while my son lay comatose in the hospital from a violent attack by 14 young people. At the time, in 1999, there was nothing Machiavellian or hidden in its content, nor is there today. Items one to nine you have before you. That petition has been signed by 1,300,000 Canadians. I believe it has the distinction of being one of the largest petitions in the history of this country.
The issues today are as valid as they were 12 years ago. As a matter of fact, I believe they almost parallel what is in Bill C-4, with the exception of things that I believe we need in addition, which are mandatory counselling, mandatory intervention at an early age, to try to help our young people.
I hear so much about identification of serious violent offenders and pre-trial custody and bail. The people who hurt my son had 56 prior charges. The young man who killed, stabbed, Joey Tanner had 29 previous convictions for violent offences. Joshua Hunt, Nicholas Chow--and the names could go on and on. These crimes, these murders, were committed by individuals with a violent history, and the system is not doing anything to help them and it is not doing anything to protect innocent kids. It deals with the length of sentence. It deals with the ability of our institutions to be able to provide effective rehabilitation efforts, if that is possible, and it deals with the requirement to protect innocent children from those who are extremely violent.
Most of the victims of young offenders are themselves young people. I believe the number is around 90%. Lozanne and I have spoken directly to over 30,000 teenagers in the last few years. The message they give us is consistent from large cities to small communities: Why won't anybody help us? Why is it okay to hurt another person? Why do bullies and victimizers get all the help? Why does no one listen? I don't have answers for them. I'm hoping this government, or whatever government follows, will have those answers.
Ninety percent of youth crime today is unreported and, according to expert advisers on my board of directors, results in massive psychological trauma. The cost to Canada and our society is immeasurable—dropping out of school, family breakdown, unresolved anger and frustration, and ultimately revenge and becoming involved in the judicial process.
We support the clauses in Bill C-4. I hope and I'm prepared to answer any of your questions, as is my wife.
I promised you today to be brief, and I do apologize for becoming emotional.
It's been 11 years, and we see today—just last week—that what happened to our son has happened time and time again in our country. It has happened, not because of a stupid mistake, not because of a minor crime, but because we as a society are unable to deal with violent and repeat offenders.
I'm hoping that everybody in this committee looks at this for what it really is. It is not a partisan political issue; it is about protecting the rights of Canadians and our families.
Thank you.