In Winnipeg a large proportion of aboriginal households fall below Statistics Canada's low-income cut-off.
Manitoba has the lowest rate of school attendance among aboriginal youth of any province in Canada. In the north end, one in five youth graduate from high school. Not surprisingly, aboriginal youth are twice as likely to be unemployed.
In Manitoba, as across Canada, aboriginal children and youth are drastically overrepresented in the child welfare system, accounting for 85% of children in care. Many of these youth in care are torn away from their families only to be bounced from placement to placement, never finding stability or a place to belong.
One of the youth in my program has seen over 18 placements in his time in care. For this young person there is no healthy attachment; experience has taught him it will be taken away soon enough, don't get comfortable, don't trust, don't feel, you are on your own.
Street gangs provide an alternative, a sense of family, belonging, and acceptance. For others, gang involvement is intergenerational; their mothers, fathers, siblings, aunts, and uncles are gang involved. For them, it is the lifestyle they were raised in. It's all they know, a legacy that has been passed on. Despite the negativity that comes with that lifestyle, it is at the same time their family, their identity. To reject the lifestyle is to reject their family. The expectation is that the youth should leave the gangs to be healthy community members, but in asking them to do so, we are asking them to isolate themselves and alienate themselves from everything they know.
Despite all of this, our youth, with the proper resources and supports, are capable of creating brighter futures for themselves. Youth indicate that they require positive spaces where they can go and not be treated as somehow defective or a problem to be fixed. They want a supportive place to go where they can tap into their interests, develop their talents, and nurture their leadership abilities, a place where they are more than just the sum of their problems.
Becoming enmeshed with the street lifestyle often means cutting ties. Youth become alienated from those systems that normally keep them anchored in mainstream society, including family, school, community, child protection agencies, and youth correction systems. Their focus becomes solely on the present: make money, get food, find shelter, fill your basic needs, which often leads to involvement with gangs, which only further alienates them from society.
For many young people, gangs provide what society fails to. As a front-line service provider, I have been tasked with making recommendations. In referencing the statistics I quoted earlier, there needs to be a commitment to keeping families together. Taking children into care and leaving the family to fix the problems does not work. Families have to be healed as a whole.
Recreational facilities and programs that provide access to youth and families in all communities to afford the opportunity to engage in healthier, safer ways of coming together need to be provided. Education systems need to be provided the resources to work with youth who do not fit into mainstream programming.
We have transitional schools that I am aware of in the north end of the city, but their class sizes are limited and they're not equipped to deal with some of the issues surrounding youth who are engaged in that lifestyle.
Mental health and FASD are rampant and often undiagnosed. The difficulty in receiving resources for an undiagnosed youth is astounding. Many youth who do not have a diagnosis don't receive supports or services until they are already in the justice system.
There is a lack of service to address the substance abuse issues initiative. One youth in our program waited five months on a waiting list to enter treatment. What services are available are not geared to address surrounding issues and are not culturally sensitive, and many youth who do manage to enter treatment are rejected from programs because of their behavioural issues.
Many efforts are focused on reacting to gang activities. Unfortunately, this focus tends to be punitive and does not address the factors that created the vulnerability of youth and empowered the gang members seeking to recruit them. Stiffer penalties are not the answer. While locking up youth serves to provide a short-term sense of safety to the broader community and certainly to the victims, it fails to have a long-term impact. For every youth in custody, they can see within the gang structure it has created. The loss of gang members to the penal system does not deter gangs; it triggers further recruitment of younger and younger youth. Until the issues are addressed, it remains a revolving door.
Government needs to commit to rehabilitation, reintegration, and restorative justice rather than “a lock them up and make an example out of them” attitude. Jail does not rehabilitate; it breeds stronger, more organized criminals.
After individuals are housed in prison, the expectation upon release is that they will be productive members of society and not reoffend. Unfortunately, the underlying issues that got them incarcerated still remain, and in most cases have worsened. There is no rehabilitation or treatment.
It needs to be heard that incarceration is no longer a threat. For many it is like going home, because they are unable to function in mainstream society.
Restorative justice models provide a form of restitution that requires the offender to take accountability for their actions, but it also serves to bring a sense of healing to the victim and the communities affected by the crime.
In summary, I would like to leave you with the following thoughts. While the aboriginal population in Canada is generally growing, aboriginal children and youth are the fastest-growing segment of the population, with aboriginal youth 25 years of age and younger accounting for 48% of the aboriginal population. The time to act is now.
Aboriginal communities believe they can overcome these challenges by fostering a sense of cultural identity in their children. Leaders and child development experts know that youth with positive self-identity feel a stronger sense of belonging to family, community, and peers, and are better able to deal with adversity. What's more, they believe that raising children with a strong sense of cultural identity is essential to healing the wounds in their communities and to the survival of their culture.
Since the overall aboriginal population is much younger than the overall Canadian population, the healthy development of aboriginal youth is especially crucial to the future of our communities. Put simply, today's youth are tomorrow's leaders. How we foster and nurture their gifts, energy, and creativity today will determine how they enact leadership in our communities long into the future.