I think you make a really good point. It's what they call an outlaw motorcycle gang. I believe Diane spoke earlier about this. There's this feeling that within street gangs, especially aboriginal street gangs, there's all this money and power and affluence. That's really not the case. If you look at the Hells Angels and the Bandidos and those kinds of gangs, those are the groups of people who are predominantly financially sound and making large amounts of money.
I will go back into my own history here a little bit. Fifteen years ago the sex trade in Winnipeg was dominated by those groups as well as immigrant groups, including African populations, Caribbean populations, and American populations. That's not to say they're solely responsible, but that's just predominantly what we've seen. I don't know what the process is.
I'm not an expert as far as immigration laws, but I think when we look at the African populations in Winnipeg, the cultural values they're bringing from their countries and the things they've lived through are definitely contributing factors in how they become perpetrators. In saying that, what are the processes, and how are they educated when they're coming into the country against perhaps these cultural biases that are putting them in situations of becoming perpetrators?