I think we've spoken on not only the funding, but the application forms and the whole process for federal funding that goes to local organizations. It's extremely complicated. Often despite what you try to do, what you start out trying to do, once you get through the process, you end up doing something different. It is almost like the bureaucrats basically tell you what you're supposed to be doing rather than listen to what needs to be done. Often, I think, that is the feeling. Often the funding comes late, and as an agency, you're expected to carry the program for a while, even before you have confirmation that you have funding. It's just not a very friendly system. In fact, some of us don't even bother applying for federal funding any more because it is so complicated and labour-intensive. You have to spend hours and hours filling out applications and evaluations and doing all kinds of reports, and you give all kinds of information that doesn't seem to be relevant to what you're trying to do in the first place. It's extremely complicated, extremely time-consuming, and for the most part it doesn't address the need that you wanted to serve in the first place.