Four years ago, we formed a grandmothers' circle, Grandmothers Protecting our Children, because some children were being abused by their grandfather up north. He was in the penal system, and when his parole came up, 40 members of his community came to ask for him to go back home, because he was their guide and leader. He went back home and he impregnated his granddaughter. And then three other children came forward and said he had molested them. This is why we do our sacred walk: for the protection of children.
Also, last month we made arrangements with Ndinawe and Ma Mawi, through Diane, and Ray too. We grandmothers went out on the streets two evenings in a row with the people who check on the kids that are out on the street. We were really well received by the youth because they said they didn't think anyone cared about them; they didn't think anyone was concerned about them or thought about them. We're going to continue this.
We had a conference on the exploitation of our youth. They say, “Dear John”. Well, he's not a john when he's having sex with someone under age. He should be called what he is. He's a pedophile, he's a perpetrator, and he's a predator. That's what he is. He's not a john, and he should be dealt with in the court system as a pedophile.
I feel really strongly about this, and so do all the kookums.