Mr. Chair, I have a motion that clauses 10 to 31 and clauses 35 to 38, inclusively, be voted on together or severally.
The reason is that we have no amendments to propose to these clauses. There appears to be a general consensus that the offences against children are ones that should be dealt with separately, that the increase in penalties and the creation of new separate penalties are desirable. I'd like to speak to them as a group, and perhaps that procedural aspect could be dealt with first.
On the reason for separating out clauses 32, 33, and 34, one would have to ask the drafters, but it appears that everything from 10 to 38 deals with the sexual offences against children, but clauses 32, 33, and 34 are related to other aspects of conditional releases and not necessarily in the same category. So if that's acceptable to the committee, I would propose to have them discussed afterwards. It's out of order, out of sequence, but if we can do clauses 10 to 31 and clauses 35 to 38 together, which would involve ultimately one vote, I would propose to speak, but I would speak perhaps for a little longer than ten minutes, since we're dealing with approximately 25 clauses.