This motion seeks to replace the verb “encourager”, in French, with the verb “favoriser” in the French version of proposed subparagraph 3(1)(a)(ii) of the act.
This is one of the amendments Minister Fournier wanted to see, so we have kept it. Section 3(1)(a) of the Youth Criminal Justice Act talks about protecting the public. Subparagraph 3(1)(a)(ii) reads “encourager la réadaptation et la réinsertion sociale des adolescents ayant commis des infractions”. The amendment would replace the word “encourager” with the word “favoriser”, as requested by Minister Fournier.
We are well aware that Minister Fournier was not very happy with his visit. So it is, of course, on his word, on the basis of his recommendations, that we kept this amendment. We are very happy to cooperate and work with Minister Fournier, now and in the future, as we have done with the other attorneys general and ministers. For that matter, Mr. Chair, I would say that, even before this bill was revamped, the provincial authorities gave us their recommendations, which we took into account when making the changes that were asked for. We made changes that Quebec had asked for, with respect to pre-trial detention, adult sentencing, and custody and supervision orders, among others. We are certainly not oblivious to the wishes of Quebec or Minister Fournier. We are moving one of the three proposed amendments, and we look forward to continuing to work with the minister.
Mr. Chair, I would conclude by saying that nothing in Bill C-10 prevents Quebec in any way from pursuing rehabilitation when the judicial system deems it appropriate.