Again, within the supplementary estimates that you have before you, Mr. Chair, I've indicated that there will be an additional $4.9 million requested by the director of public prosecutions. Some of that money—and I know Mr. Saunders can speak for himself—is to bolster the combat against the laundering of proceeds of crime, the financing of terrorist activities. There will be additional money to support crown witness coordinators under the victims of crime initiative. There will be some consolidations that are made in relocations.
Again, part of what they're doing—and I'm very interested in this as well—is that some of the money is going to the implementation of, which is a secure website that allows organized crime police and prosecutors to share information and consult with one another. This is actually something that I've heard about over the years, Mr. Chair, how important it is that information be shared among law enforcement agencies. We all have the same goal, which is to better protect Canadians and to intercept and interfere with those who have other plans for this country. So when I see an initiative like that and a request for additional funds, I'm very pleased to see that.
Again, I don't know if you have any comments you'd like to make, Mr. Saunders, but—