Thank you. Let me start with the RCMP, with Superintendent Slinn.
If your report had been distributed beforehand, we might have had a chance to read it. You can't ask questions without reading it.
Concerning your last comment, about the report, are you saying that a report was prepared and sent to this committee? One of the reasons you are here is that we were looking for that report. I haven't seen it, but maybe we do have it. You said you were going to develop a document to make the protection program more protectee-focused. We were going to ask about that.
Robin, do we have it?
The committee doesn't seem to have it for the writing of our own report. We would like to have a copy of it, if you could forward it to us.
Turning to the question of funding for the federal witness protection program and the number of participants, how many people are involved in it now on a national basis?